About Compy

Compy is a powerful new training tool for golfers. Compy puts the golfer in a position to “speak the language” of the body. It asks us to meet a difficult challenge. We swing (or putt), respond to the precision signal, make adjustments, and stack up new bundles of “feeling” data points. “This is how it feels to do X.” The brain then wires more powerful neural signals leading to deeper precision. Now, verify with real balls hit at real targets. For pros and all serious amateur golfers.

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How To Use Compy

Compy is a sensor-based computer system set up indoors. No balls are struck. Plug it in, choose a club, pick a setting, form an intent, and make swings or putts to locate a target. Compy outputs the result. You quickly learn how to adapt to get better signals. Over time, this instinct becomes your “go to” feel. Now, go hit balls better.

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Why You Will Grow

Compy is based on core science about how the brain grows motor programs. Mediocre golf skill means mediocre wiring of neurons and weak motor signals. Tight skill means robust neural signals telling the body “to get X, do it like this.” When we “talk” to Compy by making a swing or putt, our brain instinctively weaves the feedback into a more powerful new solution. Good skill grows into great skill. The skill itself is invisible, but, the results on the golf course will be right in front of our eyes.

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